Store Lambs Friday 16th October 2020

Lawrie & Symington Ltd

Lanark Agricultural Centre

16th October 2020

Lawrie and Symington ltd had their weekly sale of 3300 store and breeding sheep on Friday 16th October. At their second special sale of blackface wedder lambs. Lawrie and Symington in conjunction with Livestock Marketing Borders Ltd sold 1407 to average £54.23 a rise of £10.86 on the year. Trade every bit as strong as the principle sale

Blackface Wedder lamb Principal Prices

£72.50 Cronberry

£67.50 Flemington

£67 Parisholm

£65 Baddensgill

£64 Cronberry

£63.50 Nether Moneynut

£63 Flemington

£62 Baddensgill

£60 Flemington

£59.50 Cronberry


The 1203 other store lambs said to a top of £78.50 for Texels from Shaw of Dryfe, Lockerbie

Principal Prices

ROM - £68 Gateside , £62 Gateside, £56 Gateside

EC - £77 East Fortissat, £67 East Fortissat, £65.50 East Fortissat, £54.50 East Fortissat

TEX - £78.50 Shaw of Dryfe, £76 Shaw of Dryfe, £73 Old Caberston, £70 Stevenson Avenue, £69 Stevenson Avenue, £66 Culter House, £65.50 Shaw of Dryfe, £65 Old Caberston

SUF - £77.50 Stobo Home Farm, £74 Holylee, £72 Stobo Home Farm, £69 Muldron, £68.50 Muldron, £67.50 Stobo Home Farm

CHE - £71 Waterloo Drive, £66 Home Farm, £65 Newbigging, £60 Muldron, £59 Melsetter, £58.50 Stobo Home Farm, £58 Melsetter £55 Glengeith

X – £66.50 Blackburn, £58 Hillend, £53 Shaw of Dryfe, £52 Stobo Home Farm

SHE – £52.50 Dykehead

HW - £47.50 West Loch

CHE Tup - £73 Corehead, £67.50 Flemington

BF Tup - £79.50 Cronberry, £72.50 Cronberry, £71 Cronberry, £67.50 Flemington, £67 Parisholm, £65 Baddinsgill, £64 Cronberry


The 700 Breeding sheep on offer had something for everyone and were keenly saught after in all classes.

Sale topped at £310 for Reg traditional BFL Gimmers from Steel of Liscleugh.

Mule Gimmers to £176 from Easter Dawyck

BF Ewes to £67 from Kirkton, Pentlands

Rams Topped at £480 for Texel X Beltex Shg from Warnock Eastfield.

BFL to £300 from Linton Muldron

Principal Prices


TEX - £460 Dillars, £420 Dillars, £420 Wolfclyde, £380 Dillars, £380 Dillars

SUF - £260 Muldron, £240 Muldron

BEL X TEX - £480 Eastfield of Coulter, £300 Dillars

BFL - £300 Muldron, £290 Muldron, £250 Eastfield of Coulter

Ewe Lambs

Tex - £86 Hillhead

BF - £45 Cademuir

NCC - £100 Muirhouse

BFL - £95 Liscleugh


Tex - £148 Greenwall, £118 Burnside

BEL - £92 Greenwall

BF - £67 Kirkton, £60 Mid Tulloch, £60 Campshead, £60 Leithenwater, £59 Leithenwater, £58 Burnside

CHE - £84 Newbigging

X - £112 Burnside

BFL - £100 Liscleugh

HW - £58 Burnside


Tex  - £132 Allanton, £130 Home Farm, £128 Hillhead, £120 Burnside, £118 Knowehead

BF - £73 Burnside

CHM - £130 Burnside

X - £176 Easter Dawyck, £162 Easter Dawyck

BFL - £310 Liscleugh

ZWA - £140 Home Farm






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